Tropical Grasslands (1994) Volume 28, 24–31

Sustainable grazing management: graziers' perspectives and implications for pasture management in the Maranoa region, south Queensland


1Department of Primary Industries, Roma and
2Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia


Evidence of land degradation in Australia's pastoral areas suggests that some current grazing management systems are not sustainable. In the Maranoa region of southern Queensland there were no guidelines for sustainable pasture utilisation but local landholders possessed a wealth of knowledge about management practices gained from years of practical experience. The Local Consensus Data technique was adapted to document local graziers' recommended management practices for profitable production with minimal degradation of the natural resources.
Groups of experienced graziers defined best pasture management practices, stocking rates and living areas necessary to achieve sustainable land use for the 5 pasture land types in the Maranoa. Many graziers run more livestock than the recommended levels of stocking. Of major concern are the number of properties smaller than the area considered necessary to apply sustainable management practices and the proportion of properties with stocking rates above those recommended. These constraints limit the adoption of technologies and are the most important determinants of sustainable land use in the Maranoa.

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