Application of two models based on remote sensing to estimate aerial net primary production in a pastoral system in the Colombian Altillanura

Estimación de productividad primaria de pasturas por teledetección




The assessment of Net Above-ground Primary Production (NAPP), measured as accumulated dry matter (DM) by plants in above-ground biomass, is crucial for management decisions in cattle production systems based on pastures. This study aimed to compare two models for estimating NAPP using data collected via remote sensing: one empirical model using linear regression (ELR) between vegetation indices and plant biomass and another semi-empirical model based on plant radiation use efficiency (RUE). Fourteen pastures of Urochloa humidicola CIAT 6133 cultivar 'Llanero' (each 3.1 ha) managed under grazing with 30 days of resting period were monitored. Spectral information was obtained from a Sentinel 2 sensor to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI). Global radiation data were collected from a field meteorological station. The best-performing index was NDVI, with R2, root mean square error (RMSE), and relative prediction error (RE, %) of 0.68, 99.5, and 16.42 for ELR, and 0.79, 103.62, and 17.16 for RUE, respectively. Both ELR and RUE models demonstrated their potential for use as tools for NAPP estimation from Sentinel 2A images in tropical forage pastures.


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How to Cite

Díaz Giraldo, R. A., Álvarez de León, M., Pérez López, O., Gutiérrez Parrado, S. L., & Arango Argoti, M. A. (2024). Application of two models based on remote sensing to estimate aerial net primary production in a pastoral system in the Colombian Altillanura: Estimación de productividad primaria de pasturas por teledetección. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 12(1), 24–35.


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