Effect of cutting frequency on the biomass production of outstanding materials of Tithonia diversifolia identified in Cuba





The effect of cutting frequency on biomass production of outstanding materials of Tithonia diversifolia collected and identified in Cuba was studied for three years. The experiment was designed as a split-plot in complete randomized blocks, with the cutting frequency (40, 60 and 80 days) as the main plot, and the outstanding Tithonia diversifolia materials (IcaCuba Oc-10, Oc-23, Oc-24 and Oc-25) as the subplots. Experimental plots were neither fertilized nor irrigated during the study. In the dry season, the higher values for the number of stems per seedling and green leaves per stem, green weight of leaves per seedling and DM yield (t/ha) were obtained at 60 days of regrowth. Differences (P≤0.01) among outstanding materials were obtained, with the highest values in the number of green leaves per stem, green weight of stems and the whole plant for Oc-23; however, Oc-25 had the highest % of leaves. Forage yield/ha was very similar for Oc-10, Oc-23 and Oc-24. In the rainy season, higher values for most of the variables were obtained for harvests at 60 and 80 days, but the highest yield/ha was achieved for the frequency of 80 days. Differences between materials (P≤0.05) were detected for the number of green leaves per stem, % of leaves and DM yield (t/ha). It was concluded that under conditions like the ones prevalent in the study, the 4 outstanding materials of tithonia produce adequate biomass for use in a cut and carry system.


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How to Cite

Ruíz, T. E., Febles, G. J., Torres, V., Lok, S., Valenciaga, N., Rodríguez, B., Báez, N., & Medina, Y. (2024). Effect of cutting frequency on the biomass production of outstanding materials of Tithonia diversifolia identified in Cuba. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 12(2), 106–115. https://doi.org/10.17138/tgft(12)106-115


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