Energy value of kikuyu grass (Cenchrus clandestinus) for milk production in the highland tropics
Kikuyu grass (Cenchrus clandestinus) is the predominant forage option in the highland tropics of Colombia; hence, it is quite relevant for ration formulation to know its in vivo energy value. The objectives of this study were: (i) To determine the energy density of kikuyu grass in terms of digestible energy (DE), metabolizable energy (ME), and net energy (NE) through balance trials with Holstein cows; (ii) To evaluate the potential of kikuyu grass to sustain milk production in animals primarily fed on pasture; (iii) To estimate the substitution rate (SR) of kikuyu grass, defined as the reduction in pasture intake when a concentrate is incorporated into the diet as a supplement. A cross-sectional design of descriptive nature was used, in which four lactating cows with 196 days in lactation were employed, consuming kikuyu grass ad libitum (98.4% of total intake) plus 0.3 kg of supplement/animal/day. Energy losses through feces, urine, enteric methane emissions, and heat production were quantified to perform energy partitioning; also, milk production, primarily from a grass-based diet, was determined. After restricting concentrate intake, all animals lost weight (-2.4%), increased grass dry matter (DM) intake (+24.6%) and reduced total DM intake (-17.2%) and fat-corrected milk yield (4% FCM, -18.3%). The energy density of the diet in terms of DE and ME was 2.78±0.13 and 2.37±0.08 Mcal/kg DM, respectively, while its estimated NE content was 1.39±0.26 Mcal/kg DM. Milk production based on pasture, as estimated through the energy balance, was 13.20±3.84, ranging between 8.8 and 15.9 kg 4% FCM/animal/day. The SR was 0.56±0.10 kg DM of grass/ kg DM of concentrate.
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