Parámetros fermentativos del ensilaje del pasto guinea (Megathyrsus maximus) cv. BRS Zuri cosechado en diferentes horarios




This study investigates the influence of harvest time during the day (06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00 y 18:00 hours) on the quality of guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus) cv. BRS Zuri silage. The pasture was harvested 45 days after the last cut, chopped and stored in PVC microsilos for 45 days. Fresh forage ensilability parameters, as well as fermentative and nutritional parameters of silage were evaluated. The concentration of soluble carbohydrates increased linearly depending on the the harvest time and consequent exposure to solar radiation, with values ranging from 1.07 to 2.07% between 06:00 and 18:00 h, respectively (P=0.001). The lowest values for effluent losses, pH, and N-NH3 were observed at 15:00 h, with significant linear and quadratic effects (P≤0.05) for the three variables. The harvest time influenced quadratically (P≤0.001) the DM content of the silage, with 17.14 and 22.64% DM at 06:00 h and 15:00 h, respectively. Crude protein content was also influenced by harvest time, with the highest value (13.78%) at 15:00 h and the lowest at 06:00 h (10.37%) (P≤0.05). Under the conditions of the study, harvesting guinea grass cv. BRS Zuri grass in the afternoon resulted in a better-quality silage in terms of its sensorial, fermentative, and nutritional characteristics.

Author Biography

Rafael Marzall do Amaral, Universidad EARTH, San José, Costa Rica

Rafael holds a master degree from the Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Brazil and a doctorate from the Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Brazil, both in Animal Science. Before being part of the EARTH University, he teach in the Agronomy and Animal Science undergraduate courses of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil, teaching classes of Alternative feeds and additives, Biostatistics, Computing applied to animal production, Beef and Dairy cattle production, Sheep and goat production, among others.


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How to Cite

do Amaral, R. M., Vega-Cabezas, E. Y., Molina-Santana, D. S., & Rodrigues-Reis, C. E. (2025). Parámetros fermentativos del ensilaje del pasto guinea (Megathyrsus maximus) cv. BRS Zuri cosechado en diferentes horarios. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 13(1), 58–67.


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