Tropical Grasslands (2002) Volume 36, 202–217

Harry Stobbs Memorial Lecture, 2002
Seeing the wood(land) for the trees — An individual perspective of Queensland woodland studies (1965–2005)


Queensland Beef Industry Institute, Department of Primary Industries, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia


A range of studies undertaken in Queensland woodlands since 1965 are reviewed from a personal perspective. The review does not claim to be comprehensive and references linking a rapidly growing source of ecological and management information are also included. It is suggested that there is strong evidence for an altered structure in grazed woodland remnants as a result of the introduction of domestic livestock and associated changed fire regimes. Some implications for the on-going utilisation of this huge woodland resource (c. 60 M ha) on lands assigned for agricultural production (grazing) purposes are discussed. The need for better understanding of the role of fire in keeping these woodlands 'open' is emphasised, with the impact of fire on the establishment and survival of woody seedlings requiring most attention.

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