Vol. 1 No. 2: December 2013
This issue of Tropical Grasslands−Forrajes Tropicales is the second “Special Issue IGC 2013” and comprises papers presented at the 22nd International Grassland Congress, Sydney 15-19 September 2013. It complements the first Special Issue IGC 2013 (which was composed of all papers presented at the IGC 2013 Session 1.2.1 − “Development and Impact of Sown Tropical Species”) and comprises 18 papers on R&D topics, all related to the tropics and subtropics and selected from sessions other than 1.2.1: One plenary paper, 4 invited keynote papers and 13 oral presentation papers.
The issue is the result of an agreement with the International Grassland Congress Continuing Committee (www.internationalgrasslands.org), giving permission to co-publish the papers. The content of papers is essentially the same as that published in the Conference Proceedings. Any changes are the result of additional reviewing and adapting to the journal style.
A third “Special Issue IGC 2013” will include a wide range of selected poster papers, again all related to the tropics and subtropics and selected from IGC 2013 sessions other than 1.2.1. It is scheduled for publication in February 2014.